Latest beauty buys!

by - 16:53

hello girls!
pozdravljena dekleta!

Back in May, I purchased some of the products that caught my eye at a drugstore. Some of these I'm using on a daily basis ever since I got them and they became a part of my daily makeup routine, others not so much. Want to know what I have to say about them? Then keep on reading :) 

Moj obisk DM-a se ponavadi konča s prazno denarnico in novimi izdelki, ki jih roko na srce ponavadi ne potrebujem nujno :) 
No kakorkoli že...v maju (vem zelo zamujam!!) sem med enim izmed obiskov kupila nekaj novih proizvodov, ki so mi padli v oči in se jim res, ampak res nisem mogla upreti. Kateri so me tokrat prevzeli pa izveš v nadaljevanju :) 

I always loved Essence mascaras! Essence volume stylist 18h lash extension is no exception! I've been using it ever since I bought it and I must say I'm very impressed. This mascara really holds the curl, gives you intense/rich black color, and some much needed extra length. The only downside is that it is a little bit hard to remove it at night, but I've been using coconut oil and it comes off easily. 

Že od nekdaj obožujem Essence maskare zato  me ne čudi, da sem popolnoma zaljubljena tudi v to. Ta maskara resnično dolgo obdrži obliko trepalnic, jih podaljša in jih naredi izredno črne. Edina 'slaba stran' je njenotrdovratno odstranjevanje. Ker je dolgoobstojna je tudi odstranjevanje malenkost težje, vendar gre z dobrim odstranjevalcev brez večjih težav. Sama npr. uporabim kar kokosovo olje. :)

In this year's spring collection Life is a festival by Essence was included also this palette of concealers. I must admit this is the only item I don't really use. Not that it's bad, I just never use it. That's why I can't share my opinion on it, but those three different colors should cover up not only pimples and zits but also a dark under-eye circle. As soon as I'll have a stronger opinion on this product, I'll let you know.

Letošnja spomladanska Essence kolekcija - Life is a festival je prinesla tudi tole paletko korektorjev. Vsaka barva ima drugačen namen. Sama sem jo kupila predvsem zaradi roza korektorja, ki je namenjena prekrivanju podočnjakov (kar mnoge izmed nas nujno potrebujemo). Skratka te paleteke ne uporabljam pogosto, zato odkrito povedano težko določim če mi je všeč ali ne. Ampak takoj, ko jo bom testirala dlje časa bom objavila svoje mnenje! :) 

What can I say about this guy other than how much I love it! I use it almost every single day. It's creamy, blends well, covers those annoying pimples nicely and it doesn't crease under your eyes...I like it a lot! Give it a try it might surprise you! 

Tale frajer je za moje pojme več kot super. Uporabljam ga skoraj vsakodnevno. No vsakič, ko se namažem :) Všeč mi je, ker je kremast in se res lepo razmaže...Ne vsede se v očesne gube in prekrije vsak trdovraten mozolj na obrazu!  

For every girl out there who likes dewy skin, I think this one is a must have. This works very well with my foundation (Maybelline Fit me), but to be entirely honest most of the time I wear it on its own...just to have that glow. :) It gives you nice but subtle shine which I absolutely adore. However, as far as "long-lasting" effect goes, there really isn't anything long-lasting about it. So keep that in mind if your skin is oily, this isn't a primer for you. 

Zadnji produkt, ki ga želim omeniti pa je Catrice-ov Prime and Fine Nude Glow Primer. Za moje pojme je ta produkt super, zlasti za punce, ki imajo rade "dewy" efekt. Sama ga uporabljam pod podlago (Maybelline Fit me), nosim pa ga tudi samostojno. Kaj naj rečem? Res mi je všeč sijoč videz :)  Bi pa opozorila, da ta primer (vsaj na moji koži) ne podaljša obstojnosti makeupa. Tako puncam z mastno kožo, tega izdelka ne bi priporočala. 

Thanks for checking out my post!

Hvala za branje!

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